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    • pmic was designed under 1uh condition for the best ripple and transient response. if the degradations in ripple and transient response are acceptable, 0.47uh can be an option.
    • the device address is 0x4b. please refer to figure4-3 of i²c device addressing of the datasheet.
    • 4 corner pads are shorted to exp-pad internally. it is recommended to solder such corner pads to ground.
    • please refer to the technical document of on the web site. bd71847mwv is no more available in mass production process.
    • 带w型号是无w型号的输入偏置电压精选版。其他特性相同。
    • 3.3v as the pull up source is acceptable even if dvdd is 1.8v. but nvcc_i2c of the i²c domain in soc should be 3.3v (the same voltage as the pull up source for pmic) and dvdd in pmic always needs to be 1.8v.
showing 1 to 10 of 1247