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    • the interoperability test between the bluetooth low energy module and smartphones is planned to be conducted. for the latest test status, contact us via the e-mail address shown below:
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • yes.
      implement the dfu module software from nordic to update firmware via bluetooth low energy wireless communication or uart. in addition, serial communication sample software from lapis technology also supports ota.
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • usable size depends on the combination of the module used and softdevice.
      the usable size can be obtained by subtracting the amount of memory used by the system such as softdevice from the flash rom or ram size mounted on the bluetooth low energy module. for example, if s132 is used as softdevice with 512kb mk71521 flash rom and 64kb ram, flash rom 152kb and ram 20kb (system configuration dependent) are allocated to the system, so the sizes the application part of software can use are 360kb of flash rom and 44kb of ram.
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • sample software is provided.
      lapis technology is developing a "sensing sample application" to transmit sensing data via bluetooth low energy communication. the sample software is expected to be released on the lapis technology wireless support site. be a registered user of this site to receive a notification e-mail when the sample application will be released. it is also possible to develop programs based on one of the sample applications provided by nordic.
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • sample software is provided.
      lapis technology is developing "remote control sample application" using the bluetooth low energy advertisement function. the sample software is expected to be released on the lapis technology wireless support site. be a registered user of this site to receive a notification e-mail when the sample application will be released. it is also possible to develop programs based on one of the sample applications provided by nordic.
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • sample software is provided.
      lapis technology offers a "serial communication sample application" to transmit data previously sent to uart to target devices using wireless bluetooth low energy communication with easy command operation. based on this sample application, devices previously controlled via wired communication (uart) can easily be allowed to be wireless ready. this sample software is available on the lapis technology wireless support site.* at the first login, user registration is required.
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
    • nordic provides on its website "nordic devzone", a forum for technicians to join q & a conversation. we recommend consulting the site.
      if you have any questions, please contact lapis technology via e-mail described below:
    • products: bluetooth® low energy modules
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